Saturday, July 28, 2007

The verse i left you all last week was this: "and 'love your neighbour as yourself'" Have u done your homework people? hahaha. Please don't take it as homework... Let me reitterate what i said last week...and what you can expect this week.

Last week, i emphasized again my role in class. Me, ur llama, Wally and lihui's role were to walk this Christian walk with each and every one of you. And i din sound like a plea, but it is, to let us walk it with you!

So maybe you haven't got a slightest idea who God is, or felt him in your life. Why do we even need to anyway? Well because we have a known fact, that if we don't accept Christ as Lord, we are rebels. Being comfortable, feeling happy and putting all satisfaction in anything else but Jesus, is rebel like behaviour, simply put it, is SIN. Remember the car running on orange juice analogy? Yes you may feel like cruising 100kmp/h for now, but you will not run far.

Also, remember how our soul is precious? No matter what circumstance we are put in, we must not make decisions that would chip at our soul, or worse, sell our soul to the devil who dangles momentary satisfactions in front of us. This is why we need Church. We need to hear God and snap out of the devil's lures!

That's why we need LG. Why do we need Christ then? This question only YOU can answer! Only YOU know how much struggles u are going thru...and Jesus is this great healer. Read the bible and u will know, when He lived, did he live with the rich? Or the powerful? Or the famous? Rather he lived with prostitutes, tax collectors, fisherman. He wants to Lord over YOUR little life because, take this literally, at surface value, He simply loves you.

I love my new handphone. Haha! I can imagine how much more God wud love me. I hope u guys and gal picked up something that lesson. I am very pleased to see people i least expected raise their hands to accept God. This very expression of humility and needing Jesus, i am very sure is something Jesus desires.

This week, i'll touch on Loving One Another, the verse u all wrote on. :) See ya!

Oh my words could not tell. Not even in part. Of the debt of love that is owed. By this thankful heart
2:53 PM

Friday, July 13, 2007

hello everyone...

how has you guys' week been? i hope all of you have had a great week and for those who were at service last week, i hope you guys enjoyed the items...

this week on llamacast... we will be doing a lesson on BGR/Dating - To date or not to date?... i think this will be a very interesting lesson but only if you guys speak up and voice our your opinions/objections... and trust me there will bound to be alot of objections... so come prepared and ready to challenge my lesson and hopefully everyone will have a great time...

see ya sunday! God bless all of you. =)

Oh my words could not tell. Not even in part. Of the debt of love that is owed. By this thankful heart
2:07 PM

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

ok people... i hope you guys enjoyed making the class board on sunday... and for those who didnt make the class board... well i hope you all had fun relaxing then... this week we wont be having lessons because its Youth Sunday!!!!!

there will be 2 services, one @ 0800 hrs, and the second one @ 1000 hrs... please come for either service because after all it is Youth Sunday, and without Youths then it would be pointless wouldnt it?

so have a great week and see ya guys there...
God bless...

Oh my words could not tell. Not even in part. Of the debt of love that is owed. By this thankful heart
1:11 AM